广东省商务发展情况通报会Briefing on Commercial Development in Guangdong

举办时间/Time: 2021-03-19 09:00:00 - 2021-03-19 11:30:00


Time for registration:

2021-02-23 - 2021-03-06
主办方/Hosts: 广东省商务厅Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province 承办方/Co-organizers: 暂无
支持单位/Supporter: 暂无


Introduction to the event:

受邀请参会单位凭邀请函报名参会,会上通报2020年商务发展情况及2021年商务工作重点和贸易高质量发展十大工程等,以共同交流探讨如何加强广东与各国经贸合作。请就加强经贸交流合作提出感兴趣的问题、建议及计划可在备注栏注明。Invited participants sign up for the Briefing on Commercial Development in Guangdong . During the meeting, the Department will brief the general commercial development of 2020, the priorities of commerce development in 2021, and introduces Ten Major Projects for Promotion of High Quality Trade Development. There will also be exchanges with the attendees on how to further strengthen the economy and trade cooperation.Any suggestions, plans and ideas to strengthen the economic and trade cooperation are welcomed to be proposed in the remark column.


Invitation or notification:

