广东省商务发展情况通报会暨战略性新兴产业考察活动Briefing on Commercial Development in Guangdong

举办时间/Time: 2018-07-19 00:00:00 - 2018-07-19 00:00:00


Time for registration:

2018-06-25 - 2018-07-11
主办方/Hosts: 广东省商务厅、广州市商务委 承办方/Co-organizers: 暂无
支持单位/Supporter: 广州市开发区


Introduction to the event:

为加强与各国驻穗领馆、各国(地区)在粤商务机构和大型跨国公司在粤机构的交流合作,广东省商务厅与广州市商务委定于7月19日(星期)10:00时至16:30时,假座广州开发区萝岗会议中心香雪厅,举办“广东省商务发展情况通报会暨战略性新兴产业考察活动”。会上将推介我省2018年上半年商务工作发展的最新情况、改革开放40周年商务工作亮点及特色、“外资十条”成果等,广州市商务委和广州市开发区将介绍营商环境、产业规划及发展情况,共同交流探讨如何加强广东与各国(地区)经贸合作。 In order to strengthen the communication and cooperation with the foreign Consulates General in Guangzhou and commercial organizations from various regions and countries, the Department will host the Briefing on Commercial Development in Guangdong and Inspection on Emerging Strategic Industry from 10:00 to 16:30 on 19th July(Thursday) at Xiangxue Hall Luogang Conference Center, GuangZhou Development District of Guangzhou. During the conference, the Department will brief the general commercial development of the first half of 2018, the features and priorities of commerce development in Guangdong against the backdrop of the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up, and development of Ten Measures and Policies of Foreign Investment Promotion. Guangzhou Commission of Commerce and Guangzhou Development Distinct will promote the business environment, industry development status quo and plans. There will also be Q&A with the attendees on how to further strengthen the economy and trade cooperation between Guangdong Province and various countries and regions. (友情提示:统一乘车请提前15分钟集中。Notice: please arrive 15mins earlier for coach arrangement)


Invitation or notification:

