广东省商务发展情况通报会 Briefing on Commercial Development in Guangdong and Promotion on Revised Edition of

举办时间/Time: 2019-04-18 00:00:00 - 2019-04-18 00:00:00


Time for registration:

2019-03-20 - 2019-04-05
主办方/Hosts: 广东省商务厅 东莞市人民政府 承办方/Co-organizers: 暂无
支持单位/Supporter: 暂无


Introduction to the event:

为密切与各国驻穗领馆、在粤商务机构和大型跨国公司联系,通报我省2018年商务发展情况及2019年商务工作重点,宣传我省投资营商环境及粤港澳大湾区,推介东莞投资营商环境、重点招商项目等,以共同交流探讨如何加强广东与各国(地区)经贸合作。定于4月18日(星期四)14:00时至16:15时,假座东莞市广东现代国际展览中心二楼C会议室举办“ 广东省商务发展情况通报会”。 In order to strengthen the communication and cooperation with the foreign Consulates General in Guangzhou and commercial organizations from various regions and countries, during the 2019 the 11th China Processing Trade Products Fair(hereinafter referred to as CPTPF) ,the Department will host the Briefing on Commercial Development in Guangdong from 09:50 to 17:00 on 18th April. (Thursday) at Meeting Room C, 2nd Floor, Guangdong International exhibition center in Dongguan City. the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province and the Dongguang Municipal Government will brief the general commercial development of the year 2018, the features and priorities of commerce in 2019, and promote the Revised Edition of "Ten Policies and Measures on Foreign Investment", the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the business environment of Dongguan and key projects.


Invitation or notification:

